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Life Protection

Added value benefits

What is a Second Medical Opinion Service and who offers them?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers include access to a second medical opinion service Aside from the life assured, which immediate family members can use the service The value of second medical opinion services through a case study For clients...

Who offers health checks and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers provide access to health MOTs How those insurers differ in the service they offer to clients Who offers the best health MOT benefit As we all know, prevention is better than cure. If risk factors or the early...

Who helps claimants administer their loved ones estate?

Providing financial help to clients and their families upon death, illness and accident is the main purpose of protection. However, should the worst happen, clients and their loved ones will likely require a whole range of additional help and support at that difficult...

Inspire Inclusion: 5 things to read on International Women’s Day

Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate all women and the impact they have on society. The Protection Guru team is made up of (Joanne Legg, Poppy Achilles, Samantha Smith, Jess Prassan and Jessie Leworthy) who all have a vital role in providing our...

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Who offers Virtual GP services and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers offer GP services to protection clients Apart from the insured, who else can access GP services and any restrictions that apply How many times per annum these services can be used Over the last year, it...

Can added value benefits keep the north pole running?

Over the last couple of years “added value benefits” have become a core component of most protection plans. It seems that every insurer now offers wider benefits that can help consumers stay healthy both in mind and body as well as benefits that can improve recovery...

How can protection plans help clients manage their mental wellbeing?

CPD. In reading this article you will understand: Why mental wellbeing awareness is important Which insurers include access to mental health support services as part of their policy How insurers differ in the services they offer  Within the UK, mental ill health is...

5 ways protection plans can provide immediate value

With many individuals and households facing rising living costs and a squeeze on their income, there is a risk that valuable protection insurance products are seen by clients as a non-essential cost and therefore they may either forgo the cover entirely or cancel...

Guardian unveil neurological support service

Guardian have unveiled a new service designed to help and support clients diagnosed with neurological conditions. Teaming up with occupational therapy specialists Krysalis Consultancy, who have developed ‘Neuro-Logical’, the new service is specifically designed for...

Protection insurance support benefits – 5 things you should read

With the announcement this week from Legal & General of their new Umbrella Benefits – Fracture Cover and Private Diagnostics – the spotlight is once again on the support benefits included on protection policies. Private Diagnostics is a unique new benefit, that in...

Guardian to provide free virtual gp service to advisers

Support benefits such as GP services, second medical opinions or counselling services are an increasingly integral part of protection plans. Whilst genuinely helping clients to manage their health and access medical support when it is needed, they’re also an important...

Helping clients keep fit – how insurers compare

One of the consequences of the Covid pandemic and lockdown response is that many of us spent more time at home, engaging in far less physical exercise. The changes to working and lifetyle habits that the last 18 months have brought about also mean that many of us are...

Value Added Services – Everything you need to know

In reading this article you will understand: Granular detail about a range of popular Added Value Services that providers offer and how providers compare What products each service is offer on How such services are provided Restrictions that apply Which providers our...

What to expect from Aviva’s DigiCare+ for individual policyholders

On the 30th September, Aviva launched their new and innovative DigiCare+ benefits package to members of their group income protection and group critical illness schemes. Next week, the much anticipated launch of DigiCare+ for individual protection customers goes live...

buyback options


The year’s best claims stats and stories… so far

One of the remarks we hear repeatedly, is the need for the industry to do more to share positive claim stories. Sharing positive claim stories, of which there are undoubtedly many, is also a vital way of helping build trust with clients and can hit home the value of...

Insurer claim stories all in one place!

Across the market there are soo many stories of how people have managed to claim on their protection products and the impact it has had on their finances and family. As always, we at Protection Guru want to provide advisers with as much information and collateral to...

Recent claim case studies and stories – 4 things you should read

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s ‘4 things you should read’ we bring you a round up of...

The stand out claim stories of 2022

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s insight, we look back at the stand out claim stories...

Life insurance claim stories

As part of our ongoing efforts to collate and share real-life claim stories from across the industry, this page brings together some of the life insurance claim case studies from insurers and advisers. Given the difficult nature of a life insurance claim, case studies...

“You think you’ll never need it” – Pete’s story

Behind the claim statistics published each year by insurers are thousands of real people who have passed away, fallen seriously ill or been forced out of work due to injuries or ill health. Because of the work we do, we can only hope that in those thousands of cases,...

Support Services Claim stories

Protection plans offer so much more than just a financial pay out. Across the industry, support services and benefits such as second medical opinion services, counselling, virtual GP services etc. have rightly become a core part of plans with use of such services...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Supporting the claims process – Everything you need to know

As the pandemic reaches new heights, and we all hunker down for another full lockdown, it’s likely that we’ll see increasing claims in 2021. Whether these continue to be dominated by income protection and life, or an expected increase in critical illness claims will...

What to expect from claims in 2021

In the second edition of our ‘thoughts on 2021’ series, we consider claims. With the pandemic reaching new heights it is likely that the spike we saw in claims in 2020 will continue into 2021, but will these claims continue to be predominately for Income Protection...

Claims… Everything you need to know

Nobody wants to have to make a claim on a life insurance policy, however when a life changing illness or injury happens the reassurance of the financial security they bring can quite literally save a persons life. Our industry is quite rightly proud of the number of...

Going the extra mile – Aviva’s new claims initiatives

At Protection Guru, we are always interested to hear how insurers are going above and beyond what might be reasonably expected of them. In terms of claims, we expect insurers to pay all valid claims, however it is often the little touches that a client may not expect...

Everything you need to know

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Everything you need to know about relevant life cover

WHAT ARE THE AGE LIMITS FOR RELEVANT LIFE COVER?Relevant life cover is a tax-efficient death-in-service benefit, that is established and paid for by employers on the life of an individual employee. Whilst in theory any business wishing to provide a death a death in...

Everything you need to know about using ProtectionGuruPro

ProtectionGuruPro has been live for just under a month now and we are really pleased with the feedback and usage we have had so far. By enabling a comparison of quality AND cost our users have been able to discuss value with their clients and start their discussions...

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Family income benefit

Family income benefit features – Everything you need to know

The world we live in has changed immeasurably over the last 12 months but if there is any positive to take away it is that the pandemic, and especially the furlough scheme, has opened many consumers eyes to the benefits of replacing income when the worst happen. It’s...

Is converting family income benefit to a lump sum worth it?

We can all make an educated guess about what life has in store for us and work towards certain outcomes, but we never really know how things will pan out – for good or bad - until they happen.   Financial planning helps people prepare for life events and achieve their...

Free Cover

Zurich improve free cover offering – How do insurers compare?

Applying for protection insurance can unfortunately still be for many clients a long and drawn out process. Whilst the industry has made progress in recent years in improving underwriting processes, including by increasing automatic underwriting limits and removing...

Guaranteed insurability options

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

How do menu plans work?

It is hard to disagree that for most clients their protection needs will not be solved by one product. Mortgage protection will pay off their mortgage in the event of death or critical illness, if included, but how will their family cope without their income? What if...

Are two single life plans better than a joint life plan?

A frequently asked question during my time as an adviser was whether two single life policies are better than a joint life policy. Sometimes that question can come from clients, often unfamiliar with the cost differences and technical aspects of different life plans,...

Insuring Couples – Everything you need to know

In reading this and the linked articles you will understand: The merits of two single life or joint life plans The benefits of menu plans and how providers offer different approaches How providers support clients when one partner works, or becomes a carer or if the...

Advising on multiple benefits… Everything you need to know

When recommending protection to clients there will often be multiple needs that cover will be required for. Whether this be protecting the clients income against ill health, covering a liability or simply providing their family with financial security in the event of...

Minimum/maximum limits

Age limits for life cover – how insurers compare

Age restrictions apply to many things that people can buy or do, from buying alcohol to getting married. Most of the time, age limits are focused on minimum ages to prevent young people doing something that they are deemed not mature enough to do responsibly – gamble,...

Personal Protection Age limits – 3 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. In this week’s ‘3 things you should read’ we take a detailed look at age limits on...

Age limits on protection insurance – 5 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. If Children’s cover is included in a critical illness plan, insurers will set a...

Life Cover for older clients – who offers what?

In reading this article you will understand The maximum age limits and minimum ages at entry that providers apply to life cover plans The increases to maximum ages LV= have made today and how this benefits clients How providers approaches differ across the age ranges...

Sum assured limits

Terminal Illness

Underwriting limits

What is immediate cover and is it worth it?

In reading this article you will understand: What immediate cover is and how it differs to free cover Which business protection insurers offer immediate cover and what the limitations are Whether immediate cover is worth using Getting clients covered and on risk...

LV= increase life insurance non-medical underwriting limits

In a welcome move that should help improve access to cover and make the application process a little easier, LV= have announced an increase to the non-medical underwriting limits on their Life Insurance products. The new limits will apply to their Flexible Protection...

Waiver of premium

Critical illness

Added value benefits

Which insurers offer fracture cover and how do they compare?

CPD. In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers offer fracture cover What fractures and other injuries are covered and how much the client is paid What exclusions, if any, insurers apply to their fracture cover A broken bone may seem relatively minor...

What is a Second Medical Opinion Service and who offers them?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers include access to a second medical opinion service Aside from the life assured, which immediate family members can use the service The value of second medical opinion services through a case study For clients...

Who offers health checks and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers provide access to health MOTs How those insurers differ in the service they offer to clients Who offers the best health MOT benefit As we all know, prevention is better than cure. If risk factors or the early...

Inspire Inclusion: 5 things to read on International Women’s Day

Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate all women and the impact they have on society. The Protection Guru team is made up of (Joanne Legg, Poppy Achilles, Samantha Smith, Jess Prassan and Jessie Leworthy) who all have a vital role in providing our...

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Who offers Virtual GP services and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers offer GP services to protection clients Apart from the insured, who else can access GP services and any restrictions that apply How many times per annum these services can be used Over the last year, it...

Can added value benefits keep the north pole running?

Over the last couple of years “added value benefits” have become a core component of most protection plans. It seems that every insurer now offers wider benefits that can help consumers stay healthy both in mind and body as well as benefits that can improve recovery...

How can protection plans help clients manage their mental wellbeing?

CPD. In reading this article you will understand: Why mental wellbeing awareness is important Which insurers include access to mental health support services as part of their policy How insurers differ in the services they offer  Within the UK, mental ill health is...

5 ways protection plans can provide immediate value

With many individuals and households facing rising living costs and a squeeze on their income, there is a risk that valuable protection insurance products are seen by clients as a non-essential cost and therefore they may either forgo the cover entirely or cancel...

The LV= claim stories that highlight the value of income protection

Income protection is arguably the most essential protection insurance, and insurance more broadly, cover a working person can have. Take away someone’s income and unless they have the safety net of long-term sick pay or group income protection work, they’re likely to...

How do British Friendly’s new mutual benefits updates compare?

We’ve had a fairly busy start to the year, with a slew of product updates and announcements from various insurers. As well as changes/improvements to core products (Zurich & Aegon) and completely new products (LV=), one area of focus has been on ‘support...

Which income protection plans pay a lump sum on death?

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers offer a lump sum death benefit on their income protection plans How each provider calculates the funeral benefits Through examples, how much each provider would pay at different benefit levels Income...

Aviva update Global Treatment and underwriting approach

It is not often at Protection Guru, that when an insurer removes a service from a feature we are positive. However, when that service adds very little and causes a significant delay in a client receiving the benefits, things are slightly different. Today, Aviva have...

Rehab support on income protection plans – how providers compare

The financial support that income protection provides will be a lifeline for many people who become unable to work through illness or injury. However, no policy will replace all of a client’s income in this situation, as people cannot be financially better off by...

buyback options

Children’s critical illness

Additional Insurance Products Supporting Care for Children

In reading this article, you will understand: Support for Families During Critical Illness Client Education and Advocacy As Childhood cancer awareness month comes to a close in our final article on this subject we look what products are available to support care for...

How to obtain inexpensive children’s critical illness cover

According to many insurer claim statistics, children’s critical illness cover is one of the top claimed-for conditions, highlighting the importance of having protection in place. A child being diagnosed and living with a medical condition can have major financial...

Why should all parents consider childrens critical illness cover?

In reading this article you will understand: What the financial consequences may be for a parent who's child falls seriously ill What existing financial support there may be available to parents from the state and through employers Why children's critical illness...

What child critical illness options do insurers provide?

In reading this article you will understand What child critical illness options are available within critical illness plans Which insurers offer what options How child's cover can be added or removed from a plan when needed or not needed Having a child fall seriously...

AIG make changes to children’s critical illness cover options

AIG have unveiled a shake up of their critical illness cover today, through the introduction of a new ‘Core’ children’s critical illness option, intended to provide a lower cost alternative for clients wishing to purchase children’s critical illness cover. These...

Royal London’s Critical Illness improvements – The Full Details

With July continuing to be the month of product launches and updates, Royal London are the latest insurer to unveil a number of product changes. Primarily the changes impact their critical illness cover, with amongst other things, increases made to the payouts for...


The stories behind critical illness claims

If you have a claim story you would like us to share regardless of whether you are an adviser or insurer, please contact us.Debbie's story Debbie was a mortgage adviser that regularly gave protection advice to her clients particularly on life and critical illness....

The year’s best claims stats and stories… so far

One of the remarks we hear repeatedly, is the need for the industry to do more to share positive claim stories. Sharing positive claim stories, of which there are undoubtedly many, is also a vital way of helping build trust with clients and can hit home the value of...

Insurer claim stories all in one place!

Across the market there are soo many stories of how people have managed to claim on their protection products and the impact it has had on their finances and family. As always, we at Protection Guru want to provide advisers with as much information and collateral to...

Recent claim case studies and stories – 4 things you should read

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s ‘4 things you should read’ we bring you a round up of...

The stand out claim stories of 2022

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s insight, we look back at the stand out claim stories...

Support Services Claim stories

Protection plans offer so much more than just a financial pay out. Across the industry, support services and benefits such as second medical opinion services, counselling, virtual GP services etc. have rightly become a core part of plans with use of such services...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Supporting the claims process – Everything you need to know

As the pandemic reaches new heights, and we all hunker down for another full lockdown, it’s likely that we’ll see increasing claims in 2021. Whether these continue to be dominated by income protection and life, or an expected increase in critical illness claims will...

What to expect from claims in 2021

In the second edition of our ‘thoughts on 2021’ series, we consider claims. With the pandemic reaching new heights it is likely that the spike we saw in claims in 2020 will continue into 2021, but will these claims continue to be predominately for Income Protection...

Claims… Everything you need to know

Nobody wants to have to make a claim on a life insurance policy, however when a life changing illness or injury happens the reassurance of the financial security they bring can quite literally save a persons life. Our industry is quite rightly proud of the number of...

Critical illness conditions

We need to shout louder about bump and children’s cover

CPD - In reading this article, you will understand: The impact of not having the the right solutions in place when you need them the most How you can protect your clients against complications with pregnancy and early infancy The age brackets in which cover starts and...

How do critical illness plans cover parkinson’s disease?

In reading this article you will understand The main symptoms caused by Parkinson's Disease The long term prognosis of Parkinson's Disease How Parkinson's Disease is covered by critical illness plans and how small wording changes can make a big difference to cover The...

how is diabetes covered in critical illness plans?

In reading this article you will understand The different types of diabetes How diabetes is evolving How diabetes is covered within critical illness plans There are 4.7 million people in the UK living with diabetes and this number is expected to increase to 5.5...

How do critical illness plans cover prostate cancer?

In reading this article you will understand How prostate cancer affects men in the UK How prostate cancer is diagnosed and treated How prostate cancer is covered within Critical Illness policies Established in 2003, Movember aims to increase the awareness of issues...

Everything you need to know

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Everything you need to know about using ProtectionGuruPro

ProtectionGuruPro has been live for just under a month now and we are really pleased with the feedback and usage we have had so far. By enabling a comparison of quality AND cost our users have been able to discuss value with their clients and start their discussions...

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Free Cover

Funeral Cover

Guaranteed insurability options

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Minimum/maximum limits

Critical illness age limits – How do insurers compare?

CPD – In this article you will learn:  The maximum age at entry limits for each insurer.  The maximum age of policy expiry for each insurer.  How the landscape has changed over the last few years.  Which insurer(s) stand out as best in class for their chosen limits....

Age limits for life cover – how insurers compare

Age restrictions apply to many things that people can buy or do, from buying alcohol to getting married. Most of the time, age limits are focused on minimum ages to prevent young people doing something that they are deemed not mature enough to do responsibly – gamble,...

Personal Protection Age limits – 3 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. In this week’s ‘3 things you should read’ we take a detailed look at age limits on...

Legal & General increase CI age limits – How do they compare?

Legal & General have today announced that they will be increasing the age at which clients can take out critical illness, private diagnostics and Total Permanent Disability. The move has been introduced to provide cover to more clients as they retire later in...

Age limits on protection insurance – 5 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. If Children’s cover is included in a critical illness plan, insurers will set a...

Underwriting limits

Waiver of premium

Income Protection

Added value benefits

Additional Insurance Products Supporting Care for Children

In reading this article, you will understand: Support for Families During Critical Illness Client Education and Advocacy As Childhood cancer awareness month comes to a close in our final article on this subject we look what products are available to support care for...

What is a Second Medical Opinion Service and who offers them?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers include access to a second medical opinion service Aside from the life assured, which immediate family members can use the service The value of second medical opinion services through a case study For clients...

Who offers health checks and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers provide access to health MOTs How those insurers differ in the service they offer to clients Who offers the best health MOT benefit As we all know, prevention is better than cure. If risk factors or the early...

Inspire Inclusion: 5 things to read on International Women’s Day

Today is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate all women and the impact they have on society. The Protection Guru team is made up of (Joanne Legg, Poppy Achilles, Samantha Smith, Jess Prassan and Jessie Leworthy) who all have a vital role in providing our...

Which plans provide extra support for obtaining treatment overseas?

Whilst we are incredibly fortunate in the UK to have access to centrally funded healthcare, free at the point of delivery, there can be limitations in what the NHS can offer and inconsistency in access to treatment across the country. The Covid-19 pandemic has also...

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Who offers Virtual GP services and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers offer GP services to protection clients Apart from the insured, who else can access GP services and any restrictions that apply How many times per annum these services can be used Over the last year, it...

Can added value benefits keep the north pole running?

Over the last couple of years “added value benefits” have become a core component of most protection plans. It seems that every insurer now offers wider benefits that can help consumers stay healthy both in mind and body as well as benefits that can improve recovery...

How can protection plans help clients manage their mental wellbeing?

CPD. In reading this article you will understand: Why mental wellbeing awareness is important Which insurers include access to mental health support services as part of their policy How insurers differ in the services they offer  Within the UK, mental ill health is...

5 ways protection plans can provide immediate value

With many individuals and households facing rising living costs and a squeeze on their income, there is a risk that valuable protection insurance products are seen by clients as a non-essential cost and therefore they may either forgo the cover entirely or cancel...

Guardian unveil neurological support service

Guardian have unveiled a new service designed to help and support clients diagnosed with neurological conditions. Teaming up with occupational therapy specialists Krysalis Consultancy, who have developed ‘Neuro-Logical’, the new service is specifically designed for...

Protection insurance support benefits – 5 things you should read

With the announcement this week from Legal & General of their new Umbrella Benefits – Fracture Cover and Private Diagnostics – the spotlight is once again on the support benefits included on protection policies. Private Diagnostics is a unique new benefit, that in...

Guardian to provide free virtual gp service to advisers

Support benefits such as GP services, second medical opinions or counselling services are an increasingly integral part of protection plans. Whilst genuinely helping clients to manage their health and access medical support when it is needed, they’re also an important...

Benefit payment period

short-term income protection – how providers compare

Cost is only one factor to consider when looking at income protection for clients, but it is an important one. Policies have to be affordable for the individual, especially in the current environment where Covid-19 has had an impact on people’s finances. There are a...


Is stress covered within income protection plans?

CPD. In reading this article you will understand: What stress is and whether it's regarded as a medical condition How income protection policies might treat a claim where the cause of work absence is stress Other ways income protection policies may support clients who...

The stories behind Income Protection Claims

One of the most positive stories during 2024 has been the increased sales of income protection. While this is welcome, we need to see more, protecting the client’s income should be the first need for a financial product for most consumers, remembering the following...

The year’s best claims stats and stories… so far

One of the remarks we hear repeatedly, is the need for the industry to do more to share positive claim stories. Sharing positive claim stories, of which there are undoubtedly many, is also a vital way of helping build trust with clients and can hit home the value of...

Insurer claim stories all in one place!

Across the market there are soo many stories of how people have managed to claim on their protection products and the impact it has had on their finances and family. As always, we at Protection Guru want to provide advisers with as much information and collateral to...

Recent claim case studies and stories – 4 things you should read

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s ‘4 things you should read’ we bring you a round up of...

The stand out claim stories of 2022

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s insight, we look back at the stand out claim stories...

The LV= claim stories that highlight the value of income protection

Income protection is arguably the most essential protection insurance, and insurance more broadly, cover a working person can have. Take away someone’s income and unless they have the safety net of long-term sick pay or group income protection work, they’re likely to...

Support Services Claim stories

Protection plans offer so much more than just a financial pay out. Across the industry, support services and benefits such as second medical opinion services, counselling, virtual GP services etc. have rightly become a core part of plans with use of such services...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

LV=’s 35 year Income Protection claim… that is still being paid

When speaking to clients about protecting their income there are many objections that might be thrown at you. “I’m too young”, “I’m healthy”, “if I’m ill I won’t be off for a long time” might be some of the more common, especially in younger clients. Whilst...

Deferred Periods

Which income protection plans include hospitalisation benefit?

Income protection plans are designed to pay a replacement income if the client is incapable of working due to ill health, however insurers increasingly are offering a lot more in the way of additional support. This could take the form of various benefits and services...

which insurers currently apply Covid exclusions to income protection

With the latest strain of Covid-19, the sold called Omicron variant causing global concern and the re-introduction of some measures in the UK to try to mitigate the virus, the pandemic is once again back in the headlines (was it ever out?!). In this insight we bring...

income protection for nhs medics – how providers compare

People who work in the medical profession are always there when we need them, so it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that they are not immune to illness or injury themselves. Given how many people work in the NHS – around 1.3m people according to the jobs page on the...

LV= reintroduce 1 day & 1 Week deferred periods

It is fair to say that COVID-19 decimated the short deferred period market, with all but one insurer pulling their one day and one week options in pretty quick order. Given the landscape it was quite understandable, however it left a massive gap for those that may...

income protection for the non-working partner – who does what?

The need for income protection cover has become even more apparent during the Covid crisis, when the furlough scheme really brought to the fore the importance of the ability to maintain and income. Usually when advisers talk of protecting income they naturally...

Everything you need to know

Income Protection Propostions – 6 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Everything you need to know about using ProtectionGuruPro

ProtectionGuruPro has been live for just under a month now and we are really pleased with the feedback and usage we have had so far. By enabling a comparison of quality AND cost our users have been able to discuss value with their clients and start their discussions...

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Funeral Cover

Which income protection plans pay a lump sum on death?

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers offer a lump sum death benefit on their income protection plans How each provider calculates the funeral benefits Through examples, how much each provider would pay at different benefit levels Income...

Guaranteed insurability options

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Royal London’s Critical Illness improvements – The Full Details

With July continuing to be the month of product launches and updates, Royal London are the latest insurer to unveil a number of product changes. Primarily the changes impact their critical illness cover, with amongst other things, increases made to the payouts for...

Aviva add renter specific options to Income Protection

Generation rent is a term that is used regularly to describe the increasing number of renters in society today. Whilst the term generally refers to the volume of young adults who rent due to high house prices, there remains a significant proportion of older adults...

Minimum/maximum limits

Personal Protection Age limits – 3 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. In this week’s ‘3 things you should read’ we take a detailed look at age limits on...

What are the age limits for income protection insurance?

Understanding the age limits of income protection insurance is particularly important, especially when arranging cover for older clients or those who are planning to work later in life or who have longer term financial liabilities. In this insight, we look at the...

Age limits on protection insurance – 5 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. If Children’s cover is included in a critical illness plan, insurers will set a...

income protection for the non-working partner – who does what?

The need for income protection cover has become even more apparent during the Covid crisis, when the furlough scheme really brought to the fore the importance of the ability to maintain and income. Usually when advisers talk of protecting income they naturally...

How much will Income Protection plans pay if you become unemployed?

With the rise of the gig economy and flexible working the status quo of staying in the same 9 to 5 job for most or all of one’s career is becoming a thing of the past. A side effect of this is that there will be greater uncertainty for consumers over the benefits...


income protection for nhs medics – how providers compare

People who work in the medical profession are always there when we need them, so it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that they are not immune to illness or injury themselves. Given how many people work in the NHS – around 1.3m people according to the jobs page on the...

income protection for the non-working partner – who does what?

The need for income protection cover has become even more apparent during the Covid crisis, when the furlough scheme really brought to the fore the importance of the ability to maintain and income. Usually when advisers talk of protecting income they naturally...

How much will Income Protection plans pay if you become unemployed?

With the rise of the gig economy and flexible working the status quo of staying in the same 9 to 5 job for most or all of one’s career is becoming a thing of the past. A side effect of this is that there will be greater uncertainty for consumers over the benefits...

Return to work

Rehab support on income protection plans – how providers compare

The financial support that income protection provides will be a lifeline for many people who become unable to work through illness or injury. However, no policy will replace all of a client’s income in this situation, as people cannot be financially better off by...

Helping a client return to work – Everything you need to know

Who helps clients return to work? – Everything you need to know In reading this and the linked articles you will understand: The support providers offer clients claiming on income protection to help their return to work The wide range of services available and how...

Supporting clients returning to work – how insurers compare

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers engage with the client’s employer to support both parties with a return to work plan What client circumstances trigger rehabilitation support from providers and how these differ Which providers employ third...

Short Term Benefit

short-term income protection – how providers compare

Cost is only one factor to consider when looking at income protection for clients, but it is an important one. Policies have to be affordable for the individual, especially in the current environment where Covid-19 has had an impact on people’s finances. There are a...

State Benefits

What state benefits are available when a spouse or partner dies?

In reading this article you will understand: What State Benefits are available when a spouse or partner dies. The amount of Bereavement Support Payment available and the varying rates. How claimants might be using their Bereavement Support Payment When someone dies,...

What state benefits are available for sick or disabled children?

In reading this article you will understand What state benefits are available for people with seriously ill or disabled children The complexities around Universal Credit where a parent gives up work to care for a sick child What other child related state benefits may...

What state benefits are available when too ill to work?

In reading this article you will understand Qualifying for Statutory Sick Pay Means-tested benefits Options if falling short State benefits tread a delicate path. Claimants need enough money to survive if their personal circumstances take a turn for the worse. But the...

How to compare income protection to state benefits

As people that work within the protection industry we are all well aware of the financial impact could be if a client fell ill and was unable to work. As an industry we are also aware that for most clients state benefits will not be sufficient to cover their essential...

How will Universal Credit impact Income Protection policies?

The introduction of Universal Credit has led to much confusion about how protection policies impact a consumer’s ability to receive state benefits. After excellent work from the Income Protection Taskforce and Building Resilient Households Group the DWP has provided...

sum assured limits

Aviva increases maximum Income Protection Benefit

When recommending an income protection plan, there are many factors that need to be understood in order to select the right level of benefit. The client’s expenditure is clearly critically important as this ultimately is what is being protected however, in many cases...

How much will Income Protection plans pay if you become unemployed?

With the rise of the gig economy and flexible working the status quo of staying in the same 9 to 5 job for most or all of one’s career is becoming a thing of the past. A side effect of this is that there will be greater uncertainty for consumers over the benefits...

Terminal Illness

Underwriting limits

Non-Medical Underwriting Limits on Income Protection Policies

As a financial adviser, you understand the importance of protecting your clients' income in case they are unable to work due to illness or injury. Income protection policies offer valuable coverage for this purpose, but the application process can be lengthy and...

Royal London increase income protection underwriting limits

Royal London have today increased their non-medical underwriting limits for their income protection products (including Key Person IP), in a move that should mean more applications can be processed without the need for further medical evidence. Non-medical...

LV= increase non-medical limits for FPP Income Protection

With the country returning to enforced lockdown, many hospitals at capacity and an ambitious vaccination program being rolled out, the NHS will inevitably be stretched for some time. Understandably every resource should be directed at combating the pandemic, however...

Business Protection

Added value benefits

HSBC Life (UK) Expands Value Added Benefits

By reading this article, you will understand: Which Value Added Benefits are offered by HSBC Life (UK) Which family members are entitled to which benefit What the yearly allowances are for each benefit HSBC Life (UK) Limited is expanding its Value-Added Benefits...

What is a Second Medical Opinion Service and who offers them?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers include access to a second medical opinion service Aside from the life assured, which immediate family members can use the service The value of second medical opinion services through a case study For clients...

Who offers health checks and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which insurers provide access to health MOTs How those insurers differ in the service they offer to clients Who offers the best health MOT benefit As we all know, prevention is better than cure. If risk factors or the early...

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Who offers Virtual GP services and how do they differ?

In reading this article you will understand: Which providers offer GP services to protection clients Apart from the insured, who else can access GP services and any restrictions that apply How many times per annum these services can be used Over the last year, it...

Can added value benefits keep the north pole running?

Over the last couple of years “added value benefits” have become a core component of most protection plans. It seems that every insurer now offers wider benefits that can help consumers stay healthy both in mind and body as well as benefits that can improve recovery...

How can protection plans help clients manage their mental wellbeing?

CPD. In reading this article you will understand: Why mental wellbeing awareness is important Which insurers include access to mental health support services as part of their policy How insurers differ in the services they offer  Within the UK, mental ill health is...

Which business protection policies offer free legal support?

Business protection policies offer a lifeline to ensure your client's businesses are well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. These financial safeguards can be utilised for various purposes, such as recruiting replacement key personnel, settling outstanding...

Helping clients keep fit – how insurers compare

One of the consequences of the Covid pandemic and lockdown response is that many of us spent more time at home, engaging in far less physical exercise. The changes to working and lifetyle habits that the last 18 months have brought about also mean that many of us are...

Added Value benefits for businesses – Everything you need to know

In reading this and the linked articles you will understand: What added value benefits are available How insurers compare in what they offer How you can signpost these services to your clients Added value benefits offer a range of additional services, designed to...

Value Added Services – Everything you need to know

In reading this article you will understand: Granular detail about a range of popular Added Value Services that providers offer and how providers compare What products each service is offer on How such services are provided Restrictions that apply Which providers our...

Small Business Saturday – Everything you need to know

Next Saturday, 5th December, is Small Business Saturday, a grassroots campaign which highlights small business success and encourages consumers to support small businesses in their communities. Now in its eighth year in the UK, the campaign has grown significantly...


The year’s best claims stats and stories… so far

One of the remarks we hear repeatedly, is the need for the industry to do more to share positive claim stories. Sharing positive claim stories, of which there are undoubtedly many, is also a vital way of helping build trust with clients and can hit home the value of...

Insurer claim stories all in one place!

Across the market there are soo many stories of how people have managed to claim on their protection products and the impact it has had on their finances and family. As always, we at Protection Guru want to provide advisers with as much information and collateral to...

Recent claim case studies and stories – 4 things you should read

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s ‘4 things you should read’ we bring you a round up of...

The stand out claim stories of 2022

At Protection Guru we believe there is no more powerful a demonstration of the value and importance of protection insurance, than the real life claim case studies shared with us by insurers and advisers. In today’s insight, we look back at the stand out claim stories...

Life insurance claim stories

As part of our ongoing efforts to collate and share real-life claim stories from across the industry, this page brings together some of the life insurance claim case studies from insurers and advisers. Given the difficult nature of a life insurance claim, case studies...

“You think you’ll never need it” – Pete’s story

Behind the claim statistics published each year by insurers are thousands of real people who have passed away, fallen seriously ill or been forced out of work due to injuries or ill health. Because of the work we do, we can only hope that in those thousands of cases,...

Support Services Claim stories

Protection plans offer so much more than just a financial pay out. Across the industry, support services and benefits such as second medical opinion services, counselling, virtual GP services etc. have rightly become a core part of plans with use of such services...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Supporting the claims process – Everything you need to know

As the pandemic reaches new heights, and we all hunker down for another full lockdown, it’s likely that we’ll see increasing claims in 2021. Whether these continue to be dominated by income protection and life, or an expected increase in critical illness claims will...

What to expect from claims in 2021

In the second edition of our ‘thoughts on 2021’ series, we consider claims. With the pandemic reaching new heights it is likely that the spike we saw in claims in 2020 will continue into 2021, but will these claims continue to be predominately for Income Protection...

Claims… Everything you need to know

Nobody wants to have to make a claim on a life insurance policy, however when a life changing illness or injury happens the reassurance of the financial security they bring can quite literally save a persons life. Our industry is quite rightly proud of the number of...

Going the extra mile – Aviva’s new claims initiatives

At Protection Guru, we are always interested to hear how insurers are going above and beyond what might be reasonably expected of them. In terms of claims, we expect insurers to pay all valid claims, however it is often the little touches that a client may not expect...

Everything you need to know

Added value benefit propositions – 5 things you should read

Our showcase pages provide advisers with detailed independent coverage of insurers’ protection propositions, examining everything from the core product options, claims statistics and additional support services. We’ve designed the content to provide everything on one...

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Insurer Claims processes – 6 things you should read

Claiming on a protection insurance policy is something any of us hope a client never has to do, but is the ultimate reason that advisers recommend the cover in the first place. When a claim does arise it is the true test of the quality of the advice, product...

Insuring business owners – 5 things you should read

The UK has a large and diverse business landscape, with everything from tech start-ups to traditional retailers. The overwhelming majority of those are small businesses, that is companies employing less than 50 employees. The protection insurance needs of these...

Age limits on protection insurance – 5 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. If Children’s cover is included in a critical illness plan, insurers will set a...

Added Value benefits for businesses – Everything you need to know

In reading this and the linked articles you will understand: What added value benefits are available How insurers compare in what they offer How you can signpost these services to your clients Added value benefits offer a range of additional services, designed to...

Value Added Services – Everything you need to know

In reading this article you will understand: Granular detail about a range of popular Added Value Services that providers offer and how providers compare What products each service is offer on How such services are provided Restrictions that apply Which providers our...

Free Cover

Guaranteed insurability options

Everything you need to know about guaranteed insurability options

Guaranteed insurability options allow clients to increase their protection cover, following certain life events, without further underwriting. Whilst far from perfect, the GIO feature provides a valuable means of ensuring the policy can adapt to a change in the...

Minimum/maximum limits

What are the age limits for relevant life cover?

In reading this article you will understand: How Relevant Life Cover differs to individual term insurance in regards to age limits What the age limits for Relevant Life Cover are How those age age limits differ between insurers Relevant life cover is a tax-efficient...

Age limits on protection insurance – 5 things you should read

Finding protection for younger clients is not likely to be a problem, but if the client is older, the age limits that insurers put on their policies may restrict the advisers’ choice. If Children’s cover is included in a critical illness plan, insurers will set a...

Relevant Life sum assured limits – how insurers compare

In reading this article you will understand The maximum sums assured providers allow on relevant life plans The income sources that can be taken into account How providers approaches differ across the age ranges The sum assured is the heart of any life insurance...

Relevant Life

Should relevant life plans be used to protect mortgages?

People often take out life cover for specific things such as paying off a mortgage or inheritance tax bill because they want to help their loved ones. Although it is good to leave a pot of money for beneficiaries to use for whatever they want, clients may...

What are the age limits for relevant life cover?

In reading this article you will understand: How Relevant Life Cover differs to individual term insurance in regards to age limits What the age limits for Relevant Life Cover are How those age age limits differ between insurers Relevant life cover is a tax-efficient...

Underwriting limits

What is immediate cover and is it worth it?

In reading this article you will understand: What immediate cover is and how it differs to free cover Which business protection insurers offer immediate cover and what the limitations are Whether immediate cover is worth using Getting clients covered and on risk...

Product Updates


Aegons Countdown Begins: Advisers must move fast to get cases in!

Further to Aegon’s shock announcement that they are exiting the UK protection market, Protection Guru have obtained the key dates that advisers need to understand with regard to new business deadlines. Aegon are looking to honor new business obligations as best they...

Aegon improve underwriting limits

Over the course of the last year it is fair to say that the majority of Aegon’s focus has been on being easier to do business with. A host of online changes and improved functionality throughout the year have made it far easier to transact with the insurer. Today,...

AEGON announce first critical illness refresh in 4 years

It has been some time since AEGON last made any significant changes to their critical illness proposition, nearly four years in fact. In the intervening time, the critical illness market has changed considerably leaving the AEGON proposition feeling tired and out of...


AIG make changes to children’s critical illness cover options

AIG have unveiled a shake up of their critical illness cover today, through the introduction of a new ‘Core’ children’s critical illness option, intended to provide a lower cost alternative for clients wishing to purchase children’s critical illness cover. These...

AIG offer support to clients experiencing financial hardship

To support clients facing financial difficulty, AIG have made their flexible policy request, first introduced in response to the Covid pandemic, a permanent contractual feature of their protection plans. This positive move will mean both new and existing AIG policy...

AIG unveil new smart health app

AIG have unveiled today an update to their Smart Health benefits, by bringing all of the services together on a single smartphone app. The development means that both new and existing AIG policy holders can now access the full range of Smart Health benefits through...

AIG announce changes to children’s critical illness cover

AIG have announced a change today to their children’s critical illness cover, altering the way in which the children’s cover sum-assured is calculated and increasing the maximum pay-out available for children covered by the policy. The change to AIG children’s cover...

AIG make welcome move towards impact based cover

In an ideal world, a critical illness plan would provide a payout whenever the client suffers from an injury or illness that has a significant impact on their life. The name of the condition in this case would be inconsequential with a successful claim being based on...


Aviva launch new Digicare+ cancer support

Aviva have launched two new cancer support benefits as part of their DigiCare+ app based support service, intended to help clients following a cancer diagnosis. Although officially announced yesterday as part of their wider critical illness updates (as covered on...

Aviva extend critical illness coverage

In what is set to be a busy end to the year in terms of product updates, Aviva have become the first insurer to announce critical illness updates following the ABI’s updated minimum standards. Whilst not wholesale changes to the proposition, Aviva are looking to...

Aviva update Global Treatment and underwriting approach

It is not often at Protection Guru, that when an insurer removes a service from a feature we are positive. However, when that service adds very little and causes a significant delay in a client receiving the benefits, things are slightly different. Today, Aviva have...

Aviva remove underwriting restrictions as pandemic eases

Aviva have announced that they will be easing their underwriting stance in two areas from today due to "progress now being made with the vaccination programme and declining COVID-19 infections in the UK". The changes will mainly affect those with chonic medical...

Aviva to provide extra support WITH MACMILLAN for cancer sufferers

When asked at the turn of the year, what the industry should expect from claims in 2021, Aviva were very quick to state that delays in screenings would result in higher levels of more advanced cancer claims. In recognition of this they have extended their partnership...

What to expect from Aviva’s DigiCare+ for individual policyholders

On the 30th September, Aviva launched their new and innovative DigiCare+ benefits package to members of their group income protection and group critical illness schemes. Next week, the much anticipated launch of DigiCare+ for individual protection customers goes live...

Aviva make moves to simplify critical illness wordings

The Aviva critical illness proposition has been a favourite of many advisers for some time. It provides clients with a wide range of options to suit a customers needs with additional options such as global treatment and extra care cover to further extend cover. With...

Aviva add renter specific options to Income Protection

Generation rent is a term that is used regularly to describe the increasing number of renters in society today. Whilst the term generally refers to the volume of young adults who rent due to high house prices, there remains a significant proportion of older adults...

Going the extra mile – Aviva’s new claims initiatives

At Protection Guru, we are always interested to hear how insurers are going above and beyond what might be reasonably expected of them. In terms of claims, we expect insurers to pay all valid claims, however it is often the little touches that a client may not expect...

Canada Life

Canada Life make big changes to their critical illness proposition

In 2018 there were very few insurers that did not make changes to their critical illness proposition. So far 2019 has been relatively slow in comparison, however today sees Canada Life making their long-awaited move. With 37 new definitions, 27 condition wordings...


New preventative services added to Guardian Anytime

The recent addition of an income protection plan to Guardian’s proposition has clearly bolstered their overall offering. The claims support offered through their Halo service has always been excellent, but one area where I have always thought Guardian lacked when...

Guardian enter the income protection market – What you should know

Since their launch in 2018, there has always been one product missing from Guardian’s protection proposition. Income protection for many is the most important plan to put in place for anyone earning an income and without such an option, Guardian could have missed many...

How Guardian excelled in our 2022 product ratings

Last week Protection Guru launched our 2022 product ratings. These ratings, which are based on the product features most selected by advisers across our research tools (e.g. SolutionBuilder Product Features Report) over the last 12 months, are designed to highlight...

Guardian unveil neurological support service

Guardian have unveiled a new service designed to help and support clients diagnosed with neurological conditions. Teaming up with occupational therapy specialists Krysalis Consultancy, who have developed ‘Neuro-Logical’, the new service is specifically designed for...

How Guardian achieved gold across the board

Last week Protection Guru launched our 2021 product ratings. These ratings, which are based on the product features most selected by adviser users of our various benchmarking tools, are designed to highlight product excellence and comprehensiveness. In each of the...

Getting into the detail of Guardian update

Changes to critical illness wordings have come thick and fast over the last 24 months. A slight tweak to a wording here and a new condition added there no doubt leads to better coverage in most cases, however this is only offered to new cases. Today, Guardian have put...

Brief but huge advice opportunity following Guardian announcement

Since their launch in May last year, the industry has been eagerly awaiting the first cover upgrade by Guardian and particularly how they will apply their “Cover Upgrade Promise”. Todays announcement that such an upgrade is in the pipeline and that existing customers...

Holloway Friendly

Holloway Friendly launch new income protection product

Holloway Friendly have launched a new income protection product today called My Sick Pay, which replaces their current Purely, Short-Term IP and One2Protect products and consolidates all of the features and benefits into one single proposition. The new plan is...

Holloway Friendly extend payment holiday option

Holloway Friendly have announced today that they are extending their payment holiday facility until September 2021. The facility, initially introduced on 16th April 2021, had been due to expire in April however this extension will be welcome to many clients that are...

Holloway friendly remove covid exclusions on most deferred periods

One of the great achievements from the industry over the past year was the fact that the pandemic led to relatively little change in protection products. Income protection was the product that perhaps endured the most scrutiny as all insurers either removed or applied...


Legal & General

Legal & General Enhance CI Extra

Legal & General have announced a range of updates to their Critical Illness Extra policies this morning. The changes are designed to further differentiate the more comprehensive plan from their core critical illness offering and act to further enhance the...

Legal & General Revamps Critical Illness Plan

Critical illness updates have been few and far between in recent times as many insurers have been surveying the landscape in the wake of COVID and now the cost of living crisis. Today however, Legal & General have announced some substantial changes to their plan...

Legal & General increase waiver of premium maximum entry age

Legal & General have announced an improvement to their waiver of premium benefit today, increasing the maximum age at which clients are eligible to apply for the feature. Clients up to the age of 64 (age next birthday) will now be able to add wavier of premium to...

Legal & General unveil improvements to relevant life plan

Legal & General have today announced some improvements to their relevant life policy, as well as changes to the guaranteed increase options on their whole of life plan and GIOs across other protection products.  Relevant Life Plan Updates The improvements Legal...

Legal & General increase CI age limits – How do they compare?

Legal & General have today announced that they will be increasing the age at which clients can take out critical illness, private diagnostics and Total Permanent Disability. The move has been introduced to provide cover to more clients as they retire later in...

Legal & general unveil new key person income protection

Legal & General have unveiled today a new Key Person Income Protection plan, which expands their existing range of business protection solutions and sits alongside just two other insurers – Aegon and Royal London – in offering this benefit. In this insight we look...

Legal & General remove majority of covid underwriting restrictions

Legal & General have announced today that they are removing the majority of their temporary underwriting restrictions, imposed as a result of Covid-19, the latest insurer to announce such a move. The most significant change for most advisers will be the removal of...

Legal & GEneral add new plans to income protection proposition

Any regular reader of Protection Guru will know that we love a comprehensive protection plan. We also recognise that a comprehensive and feature packed plan, will usually be more costly and not every client will be able to afford the higher premiums. Having options to...


LV launches new critical illness product

In a shake-up of their critical illness offering, the first such update since 2020, LV= have today unveiled an expansion of their critical illness options with the introduction of a new lower cost plan and a renaming of their existing cover. The last few years has...

How LV= achieved gold across the board

In the third of our series looking at the insurers who performed exceptionally in our 2021 ratings, this week we focus on LV=. With a total of 10 overall gold medals across the nine benefit types in which they offer products, the LV= product range clearly stood out....

LV= increase non-medical limits for FPP Income Protection

With the country returning to enforced lockdown, many hospitals at capacity and an ambitious vaccination program being rolled out, the NHS will inevitably be stretched for some time. Understandably every resource should be directed at combating the pandemic, however...

LV= reintroduce 1 day & 1 Week deferred periods

It is fair to say that COVID-19 decimated the short deferred period market, with all but one insurer pulling their one day and one week options in pretty quick order. Given the landscape it was quite understandable, however it left a massive gap for those that may...

LV=’s new and improved family income benefit offering

At Protection Guru we love Family Income Benefit plans. As a decreasing plan it is often a more cost effective way of protecting a clients family in the event of their death or terminal illness and provides an ongoing income to help them meet their day to day...

LV= Launch Enhanced Children’s Cover

During the last few months the critical illness market has been relatively quiet with regard to enhancements as insurers have rightly been tackling the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought. In the first upgrade announcement since the lockdown measures...

LV= introduce big Critical Illness changes

Throughout 2018 and 2019 there were a spate of changes in the critical illness market, with most insurers making a raft of alterations and additions largely to the benefit of consumers. Throughout this period, it was noticeable that a small number of insurers did not...

Unique new features added to LV=’s Income Protection plan

With the current pace of product development in the protection market, maintaining a position of market leader requires fresh thinking. Product updates have to focus on providing features that are valuable to clients and not just ticks in the box. Today, LV= have...

Royal London

Royal London make significant enhancements to Critical Illness cover

The festive period is usually a relatively quiet time with regard to product updates. The January 31st deadline for meeting the ABI’s latest critical illness minimum standards however, suggests there may be a few more announcements than we would normally expect. Royal...

Royal London launch new adviser whole of life calculator

Royal London have launched a new adviser whole of life calculator, to help facilitate easier client conversations around the potential value of whole of life cover. Designed to be used during initial product recommendations, the calculator highlights the value of...

Royal London extend underwrite later

Royal London are extending their Underwrite Later feature, which enables a policy to be placed on risk in certain circumstances whilst waiting for underwriting medical evidence to be returned, to whole of life and ‘personal’ menu plan life insurance applications. To...

Royal London increase income protection underwriting limits

Royal London have today increased their non-medical underwriting limits for their income protection products (including Key Person IP), in a move that should mean more applications can be processed without the need for further medical evidence. Non-medical...

Royal London unveil critical illness improvements

Royal London have unveiled today a number of additions and improvements to their critical illness cover, including adding new full and additional cover condition definitions and rewording some existing condition definitions. The changes are designed to provide broader...

Royal London’s Critical Illness improvements – The Full Details

With July continuing to be the month of product launches and updates, Royal London are the latest insurer to unveil a number of product changes. Primarily the changes impact their critical illness cover, with amongst other things, increases made to the payouts for...

Royal London Remove underwriting restrictions as pandemic eases

Royal London have announced that they will be removing the bulk of their underwriting restrictions today, imposed last year in response to Covid-19, “due to the improving picture in the UK and the progress of the vaccination programme”. The changes apply across their...

How Royal London Excelled in our Ratings

In the second of our series of articles highlighting the insurers that excelled in our 2021 ratings, today we take a look at why Royal London achieved nine gold overall gold medals across the ten benefit types we benchmarked. As regular readers will be aware, our...

Can Royal London help advisers sell the “value of Menu”?

When assessing the protection needs of a client it is unlikely that just one plan will meet all of their needs. For all but the smallest minority of clients, protecting their income in the event of ill health will be the most imminent need, however if you look at...

Scottish Widows

Scottish Widows becomes latest insurer to adopt new ABI wordings

As the first full week of the year begins, Scottish Widows have become the first insurer to announce an update to one of their protection plans in 2024. In what promises to be a busy month for product updates, the Scottish Widows changes are not huge, however as...

How does Scottish Widows’ clinic in a pocket compare?

Over the last year by far the most popular “added value benefit” in terms of views of articles and selections within our various benchmarking tools has been virtual GP services. Whilst clearly driven by difficulties in being able to visit a GP face to face throughout...


Providing clear and concise critical illness definitions whilst giving broad coverage is something that the industry as a whole has not been particularly good at. But before we beat insurers up too much, we must understand that it is also not easy. Make definitions...

“Plan & Protect” – A fresh approach to critical illness?

Simplification in protection products is topic that has had a lot of debate in recent times and to be fair it is something the industry has tried numerous times. The results however, often lead to reduced levels of cover or increased cost. So, is it true that you...

The Exeter

The Exeter deliver excellent Income Protection toolkit

It’s become fashionable of late for income protection providers to create tool kits for advisers, to help them demonstrate the need for cover to clients. I’m not normally a fan of tools built by insurers or platforms, but in this case, this is money well spent.  Many...


What does Vitality’s IP enhancements mean for your clients?

Vitality have today extended cover for a range of higher risk occupations, an area where they have perhaps not had the best of terms for in recent years. The changes have been made with immediate effect, however what clients will this affect and how do they improve...

What is vitality optimiser and how does it work?

Vitality are well known for offering a range of protection solutions, designed to provide comprehensive cover, whilst also encouraging clients to lead active and healthy lifestyles. Their unique Vitality Optimiser premium option was introduced to provide clients with...

A huge SIC launch from Vitality – will it convert the doubters?

As product launches go, Vitality never seem to disappoint. Anyone that attended their online launch event earlier today would have seen that the effort they put into their launches are second to none. But behind the Hollywood production was a serious product launch...

Vitality reintroduce income protection earnings guarantee

Vitality have announced the re-introduction of their income protection benefit Earnings Guarantee, allowing clients to provide financial evidence at the time of applying (or within 6 months) and ‘lock-in’ 100% of the monthly benefit amount. The feature, which had been...

Vitality simplification – Getting into the detail

This morning Vitality announced major changes to their product range. There is no doubt that the Vitality product range is complicated and takes time to understand, but as they say in the old lager advert their products "refreshes the parts others don’t reach." At...

Getting into the detail of Vitality’s innovative Benefit Reduction

Since the coronavirus outbreak, the industry has been increasingly concerned that clients suffering from financial difficulty may cancel their valuable life policies at a time when they may need them most. Insurers are constantly being asked whether they will provide...

Vitality announce big changes

When launching enhancements to products, Vitality are certainly not backward in coming forward. Their launch conferences are more akin to the launch of a new iPhone than insurance products but in my view that is certainly not a bad thing. At their conference...


Zurich Children’s Critical Illness Showcase page

Zurich Children's Critical Illness Showcase PageZurich Intermediary WebsiteMain showcaseCritical Illness showcaseIncome Protection showcaseProtection Guru has worked with Zurich to create a concise objective analysis of their children's critical illness...

Zurich unveils major Critical illness revamp: What you need to know

The kids are back at school, British summertime is over and this means two things. First, we get some of the nicest weather we have had all summer, secondly, we get to see what insurers have been working on over the summer as they launch their exciting new products or...

Zurich launch new Family Income Cover

Zurich have today launched a new family income benefit as part of their Personal Protection product, called Family Income Cover (FIC). The new Family Income Cover from Zurich will be an option on a life only, life and critical illness and stand alone critical illness...

How does Zurich’s new online business protection trust work?

Zurich have announced an improvement to their business protection trusts, by now offering a complete online trust journey for those arranging business protection insurance. This follows a change earlier in the year, when their relevant life trust was made fully...

Zurich announces easing of covid-19 underwriting restrictions

Zurich have announced today a relaxation of their underwriting restrictions, first introduced in March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The move should mean improved access to higher sums assured for older clients and better underwriting terms for those who...

How good is Zurich’s Pre-Application Tool?

In reading this article you will understand: What Zurich’s pre-application tool does. How to use the tool. What results it can provide and how to get the information you need if it cannot. Where a client has a pre-existing medical condition or other disclosure on an...

Are Zurich leading the way on financially vulnerable customers?

 There is much speculation around the current lock down being partially lifted from next week however, for many this is unlikely to ease the financial hardship they are suffering in the short term. Those that have lost their jobs may find it hard to find new...

A massive overhaul of Zurich’s protection proposition

Over the last year it seems that nearly every insurer has made substantial product updates. Today it is the turn of Zurich and unlike other insurers that have focused on one product – typically Critical Illness – they have produced a re-vamped proposition across all...



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