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A huge SIC launch from Vitality – will it convert the doubters?

A huge SIC launch from Vitality – will it convert the doubters?

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  1. Ben Whitehead

    Great to see Vitality pushing for further innovation and simplification. Multiple pay-outs on the CIC plan up to 2 or 3 x sum assured is a game changer and will be interesting to see if and how any of the other insurers might react.

    • Adam Higgs

      Great point Ben, the gauntlet has been thrown down!

  2. david berry

    if vitality can get their undewriting as good has Aig then they will be a game changer,its all smoke and mirrors, and with over 75% conservative estimate of the uk population over weight or Obese i doubt it., and rating for conditions dreadful
    Lets put it this way certainly not anywhere near right now . AIG AND GUARDIAN embarrass them
    Reinsurers their problem

  3. david berry

    vitality 2 and 3 vitality 2 pays multiple claims up to 2x sum assured fantastic so £100k sum assured max payout £200000 as you say game changer and 3 £300000 however with this you are paying extra for the frail cover and whole of life i think looking at quotes and they still underwritten at end of term so not that clever you could have a converatble term with aviva or Zurich for the whole of life conversion now

    And a multiple policy with aig for £100000 made up of 2×35000 + 1×30000 will give client £100000 for all group 1 conditions plus £100000 for all group 2 conditions best in market that is £200000 and it will be cheaper than vitality 2 gurantee it with discounts on aig policies
    SOUNDS BETTER TO ME when you think vitality only has payouts on 28 main conditions at 100% and with optimiser it goes up another 30% as long has you can maintain 10000 steps a day till you retire


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