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Protection Forum

Protection Guru’s monthly virtual Protection Forum brings together visionary advisers with leading providers to engage in discussion on topical issues in the industry. Our sessions are not only a great networking opportunity, but a way to get involved in creating positive change and help more people get the protection they need.

2024 Meeting dates

All sessions will be held as virtual meetings.


    Wednesday 4 September – discussion “Lasting Power of Attorney, Financial & Life Choices and Trusts”


Tuesday 1 October – discussion “Children’s Critical Illness cover”

Tuesday 5 November – discussion “Single Life, Joint Life and Menu Plans – what are the best options from a consumer perspective?”

Tuesday 3 December – discussion “How did we do in 2024 and what are your wishes for 2025?”

Claims, Consumer Duty and Added Value Benefits – Everything we discussed in our recent forums

Our latest forums produced lively debate and record numbers of attendees. Whether we were discussing how to improve claims processes, Consumer Duty or added value benefits, advisers were keen to share their thoughts on how the industry can improve and insurers keen to...

Value added benefits – How do advisers bring them to life?

For the second half of our July Protection Forum we heard from advisers to discuss, “Value added benefits, how advisers bring them to life”.  Panellists for this session included: Toby Corden - Protection Coordinator, London & Country ​ Matt Chapman - The...

How are clients using ‘Value Added Benefits’?

For the first half of our July Protection forum, we heard from advisers who discussed how clients are using 'Value Added Benefits'... Panellists for this session included: Jack Southcott, Proposition Lead, The Exeter​ Alan Thomson, Account Manager, Scottish Widows...

Claims – What we do well and what can we improve? Part 2

For the second half of our June Protection forum, we continued to hear from speakers about what we do well and how we can improve claims. Panellists for this session included: Emma Astley, Founder & Adviser - Cover My Bubble Jen Carhart, Head of Underwriting -...

Claims – What do we do well and what can we improve?

For the first half of our June Protection forum we heard from panellists on claims - what we do well and what we can impove... Panellists for this session included: Emma Thomson, Head of Protection Development Sesame Bankhall, PDG ​ Vincent O’Connor, Head of Strategic...

Our current Protection Forum insurer attendees


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