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Protection News Weekly Roundup: Top Stories You Might Have Missed – 03-02-2025

Protection News Weekly Roundup: Top Stories You Might Have Missed – 03-02-2025

Hopefully you will have noticed quite an evolution of Protection Guru and the content we created for advisers during January. This is just the start to the changes we are introducing, and you will see an increasing number of articles going into the granular detail of protection. Identifying technical detail, is hard, if not impossible, to find anywhere else in our industry and explicit guidance as to which insurers are strongest in different areas.

Our latest Guru Jason Coleman, is making a huge contribution in helping me deliver this transition and I want to say a huge thanks to him. In just a few weeks he is making a massive difference to what we do. For example, please explore this link to Jason’s Monday analysis of What advance life insurance payments do insurers offer when an estate is going through probate?  Very positive messages about Vitality and Zurich in this study.

On Tuesday Jason explored What is a Second Medical Opinion Service and who offers them? Aviva, British Friendly, HSBC Life, Royal London and The Exeter are among those receiving plaudits. In addition, understanding What’s meant by ‘misrepresentation’ in the protection insurance industry and why is it important for advisers to know about them? was another subject of Jason’s analysis.

On Wednesday, Amanda Newman Smith explored the subject of How to market protection to child-free clients. We also told our readers more about Vitality Life via their Showcase Page. This is a great way to get to grips with some of the excellent features of their contract.

On Thursday we released the recording of the recent – Consumer Duty Alliance Protection Forum covering lasting powers of attorney. This is a crucial session for any adviser or insurer to listen to, to understand very real situations which when left unaddressed, result in real consumer harm. I would recommend it to anyone looking to fill a very useful hour over the week. We also explored Cirencester Friendly’s proposition in more detail again via their Showcase Page.

Friday it was time for a summary of Who offers Virtual GP services and how do they differ? which is very timely given the data we shared at our Empowering Advice Through Technology (EATT25) conference on Thursday about the extent of consumer demand for such services.

And finally on Friday, Jason shared details of how to register for our weekly Protection Guru Pro (PGP) sessions, unpacking all the great PGP functionality on offer, to help you meet your Consumer Duty responsibilities  Getting More from Protection Guru Pro: Adding Value to Your Protection Conversations

Instead of providing my usual summary of a few key protection articles I’ve read in the previous week, I’m going to replace that with a summary of all the coverage from the EATT25 conference. It was a tremendous day, and we’ve had some amazing feedback both direct and over social media. I’m very pleased to say that Simoney Kyriakou from FT Adviser, Dan Cooper from Money Marketing and Sahar Nazir from Professional Adviser all produced some great articles:

This piece is also featured in Money Marketing’s Monday Briefing as well: Platform dinosaurs will go extinct; decline in DA applications


Videos of the 15 tech demos during the day will appear shortly on

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If you work for an insurer or tech provider and would like information of how to get access to please drop me an email.

About The Author


Ian McKenna is the founder of Protection Guru. A 40 year veteran of the financial advice and related technology markets. Having worked for insurance and financial advice firms in 1995 he set up Financial Technology Research Centre, which publishes Protection Guru over a decade before “fin tech“ was recognised as an industry term. He believes passionately that far more people can be protected by life insurance and related contracts if we can demystify these and make objective comparative information on policies more accessible.

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