How open, fair & transparent is the industry when it comes to medical underwriting?

The Protection Guru monthly forum generates many lively discussions and debates on topical issues in the industry. One topic that was touched on in the September 2022 forum was ‘How open, fair and transparent is the industry when it comes to medical underwriting?’ Next week on March 7th at 12pm we will be hosting a session where we will hear from underwriters who will explain how they arrive at making decisions and what advisers could do to help improve the process. It is also an opportunity for advisers to share their experiences with insurers and provide constructive feedback on what works and what does not work.
The session will ultimately help advisers to understand the factors that drive underwriting decisions for customers, and particularly for those living with chronic conditions. Please register for the event below here:
How open, fair and transparent is the industry when it comes to medical underwriting?
Eslewhere on Protection Guru last week, on Monday, Adam Higgs took a look at Aviva’s protection proposition and how the different options provided could benefit your clients.
On Tuesday he took a look at the world of advanced payments within life insurance and interrogated who provides them, in what situations and how much would could be paid. Hospitalisation benefits within income protection was the topic in focus on Wednesday where Adam provided the details that advisers need to know about when a hospitalisation benefit can be claimed, how much and for how long.
On Thursday, Adam provided a thought provoking piece interrogating how mental health issues are covered within both Income Protection and Critical Illness policies. The piece includes analysis from our panel of practicing medical professionals on how serious the issues need to be in order to claim and the wider support that may be available.
Adam rounded the week off by rounding off four things you should read with regard to income protection propositions. Within this he looked at Zurich’s, British Friendly’s, The Exeter’s and LV=’s income protection propositions, their USPs and how they can support you in protecting your client’s income.
Have a fantastic week!