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Weekly Round-Up

Weekly Round-Up

With summer well and truly behind us and the autumn months commencing, we thought it would be a good idea to reflect on some vital stats which every adviser should be armed with when discussing the importance of protection with clients. 

Last week we decided to arm our readers with all the claims stats they could need to overcome common client objections. Many clients walk away from the protection conversation without a full set of solutions due to not understanding the real risks of not being financially protected. 

Over the years, advisers have heard all about reasons not to proceed. A few common ones: 

  • “I’ve never been ill, so I’ll take my chances…” 
  • “The state will look after me…” 
  • “I’m too young to be worrying about being incapacitated…” 
  • “My mate told me these policies don’t pay out…”

Last week’s series of claims statistics highlight that policies do pay out and unfortunately everyone runs the risk of needing them, no matter their age or circumstances. Follow the links below to view each of the infographics: 

Critical Illness claims stats to help overcome objections 

Leveraging Life Insurance Claim Statistics to Address Common Objections 

Using Children’s Critical/Serious Illness Claim Statistics to Ease Common Client Concerns 

Income Protection Claim Stats – All the evidence advisers need 

HSBC Life (UK) Expands Value Added Benefits 

Today, HSBC Life (UK) announced they’re expanding their suite of Value-Added Benefits (VAB’s) to give access to family members beyond the policyholder and their partner. 

Click ‘Read More’ below to see exactly which VAB’s they offer and who will be able to access them. 

Read More 

About The Author


Steve is a highly motivated and ambitious Leader & Coach with a proven track record of delivering results and achieving targets. His two main passions in life are Sales and People. People fascinate Steve hey says, "because each and every one of us is different! The potential of the human mind is limitless and I enjoy Coaching/Training them to unlocking potential in them that they didn't realise they had."

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