Getting More from Protection Guru Pro: Adding Value to Your Protection Conversations

If you’re a new Protection Guru Pro (PGP) user, an existing user that wants to get more from PGP, or you simply want to meet our Protection Guru, then join us for our weekly sessions. We’ll unpack all the great PGP functionality on offer to help you meet your Consumer Duty responsibilities in a non-technical, conversational, and free flowing format in under 60 minutes a week.
The introduction of the Consumer Duty framework in July 2023 saw the key principle of putting client’s needs first, supported by four outcomes: Price and Value, Consumer Understanding, Products and Services, and Consumer Support. With a shift to protection advice focusing on value rather than just price, PGP will help you assess the quality of plans, alongside live pricing, and an opportunity to explore pre-underwriting through collaboration with UnderwriteMe.
The sessions will be led by our Protection Guru himself, Jason Coleman, who brings over three decades of Financial Services experience alongside two decades as a seasoned learning professional and market insight having worked for Guardian for almost a decade.
Register for a session:
Each session will be modular, at under an hour and you can pick and choose the sessions that interest you most. During each session we’ll highlight content from our free website, provide a live demonstration of that week’s focus and help you to unpack the contents of the report generated to help you position your advice with clients.
You’ll learn how you can quickly and easily compare protection products based on cost and quality all in one place.