Royal London Resources
Royal London
Adviser Resources
This page provides a directory of links to external adviser resources, information or sales aids offered by Royal London, that are relevant to the broad issue of the cost of living crisis. Some of the information linked to here will focus specifically on the cost of living crisis, whilst there may be other resources not specifically aimed at this subject, but which we believe will be useful for advisers concerned about the impact of the cost of living on their clients or during protection conversations with potential clients.
Cost of Living Support
Royal London have created a consumer cost of living hub designed to provide support and guidance for those that may be encountering financial difficulties.
The hub includes;
- Tips on how to save and manage money
- Links to support groups and benefits calculators
- Cost of living research
The Cost of dying crisis
Royal London have recorded their webinar aimed at helping you deal with the challenges in making the case for protection during the current cost of living crisis. After watching this webinar, you’ll:
- Be able to describe some of the core factors driving the cost of living crisis and the risk this presents to financial services.
- Understand how Royal London can help you demonstrate the importance of protection to new and existing clients who are concerned about the rising cost of living.
- Have a better awareness of the value indexation can have on a client’s income based policy.