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The top product innovations of 2021, best claim stories and everything else we covered on protection guru last week

The top product innovations of 2021, best claim stories and everything else we covered on protection guru last week

I’d like to start my summary of this weeks activity on Protection Guru by congratulating all the winners at the Protection Review awards on Wednesday night, but there are a few people who warrant a very special mention. Firstly, Katey Pigden as editor of Money Marketing has been instrumental in seriously strengthening the level of protection coverage in the paper, for which I’ve had the privilege of writing as the technology columnist for 24 years, and in my mind was absolutely the right choice for the protection journalist of the year.

Also, Personality of the Year winner Robyn Allen who consistently does amazing work via social media driving home crucial messages about Protection.

Andy Peters has been a key figure in the industry for many decades and wholeheartedly deserves the lifetime achievement award bestowed on him. In his latest role he is doing some really exciting things with the Cirencester Friendly Society, watch this space for some really interesting developments next year.

Turning to our main content on Protection Guru, Rob Harvey kicked off the week with an examination of the guaranteed increase options offered by insurers on life and critical illness policies.  On Tuesday, Amanda Newman Smith discovered which insurers who offer legal support to business protection clients. 

Wednesday was the day of the annual Protection Review Conference and to coincide with this Guardian announced their new neurological support service, in conjunction with Krysalis Consultancy. Our second insight of the day replayed highlights from the November Protection Forum meeting, this time centring on the Insurer-to-client communication discussion.  

Thursday’s insight recapped the third instalment of highlights from our November Protection Forum, in particular the discussion around improving annual statements with technology. The second insight saw Rob look back over the year’s best claims stats and stories. 

We finished the week with a round-up of the 10 standout product developments and innovations of 2021. 

Our first Protection Forum meeting of 2022 will be held on Tuesday 11th January at 12pm. The agenda will be released shortly but, in the interim, advisers can register to attend the event free of charge via this link 

Benefts Guru

Over on Benefits Guru Tuesday’s insight from Jason Green provided an understanding of the way product providers operate in the secondary auto-enrolment market, while on Thursday, Kat Mitchell examined the providers who integrate with Intuit’s payroll services. 

Adviser Software

FTRC, in association with the PFS, are delighted to announce the return of their Empowering Advice Through Technology conference which will be held at The Pullman Hotel, Euston Road, London on Thursday 27th January 2022. 

This is a very different technology conference as it is also a master class in the key issues you should consider when deciding how best to use technology. 

We believe it is about the AX, the BX & the CX, the Adviser Experience, (your) Business Experience and the Client Experience. 

At the show you will see an array of new services that can help enhance each of the above. Also, you’ll hear from firms delivering new technology and most importantly their customers explaining where they have found value. 

This is not a conference to attend casually, it is only for those serious about getting the most out of technology for their business. 

We want to change how you think about advice technology, in the end of show poll at our last event 92% of the delegates told us that was what we had done. 

The last “Early Bird” tickets are available today 10th December 2021 so if you want to buy at the best price click the link below as soon as possible to secure your place  

Turning to the subject of our regular analysis we began the week with a look back at the APIs and Integration Hubs discussion from our February Investment Forum. 

On Tuesday we published our analysis of Synaptic Product & Fund and how it can be used for comparison of pension, investment and protection products. 

Wednesday’s insight focused on another discussion from our February Investment Forum, this time highlighting the Integrations and the Client Journey conversation between expert panellists Matt Noble (Origo), Paul Richards (Fidelity Fundsnetwork), Oliver Oehri (CSSP, and the adviser participants. 

Thursday’s insight examined the Unipass Mailock out of the box email encryption proposition. 


About The Author


Ian McKenna is the founder of Protection Guru. A 40 year veteran of the financial advice and related technology markets. Having worked for insurance and financial advice firms in 1995 he set up Financial Technology Research Centre, which publishes Protection Guru over a decade before “fin tech“ was recognised as an industry term. He believes passionately that far more people can be protected by life insurance and related contracts if we can demystify these and make objective comparative information on policies more accessible.

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