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How to match a recommendation to your clients unique scenario – 4 things you should read

How to match a recommendation to your clients unique scenario – 4 things you should read

The cost of living crisis and its possible impact on the protection industry have been highlighted at our Protection Forums, notably in terms of consumer appetite to purchase protection and continue paying for existing protection plans. A number of advisers and individuals in attendance highlighted that when it comes to securing long-term business and reducing policy lapse rates, the quality of the initial fact-find and recommendation process is everything.

ProtectionGuruPro has been designed to help advisers compare protection products based on quality as well as price, and to drive a personalised protection recommendation based on the needs of the client. The aim is that in engaging with the client on the quality of the product and the various features and benefits that are relevant to them, the process is less of a sales transaction and the client therefore will be less inclined to cancel their cover.

ProtectionGuruPro also helps advisers ‘ski downhill’ when it comes to producing protection recommendations, by starting with the optimal solution for the clients needs and if necessary working backwards if there are budget constraints. In this round-up of recent insights, we examine some of the ways in which ProtectionGuruPro’s express comparison and product filters help during that initial recommendation process and allow advisers to start by producing the best solution for their clients needs, all of which will in the long run hopefully result in stickier business.


In the last few years we’ve seen a significant growth in the number of protection products on the market, designed to offer solutions for a variety of client needs and demographics. Alongside this growth in product types we’ve also an extensive array of new product features and benefits added to plans and improvements made to existing features. The challenge for advisers is in navigating this myriad of different products and options and recommending a solution that best suits their client’s needs. In this insight we examined how ProtectionGuruPro’s express questions and product filters help simplify finding the right products for a clients needs. 

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What difference does the type of premium make?

When it comes to recommending the right protection solution for a client, there are a number of variables to consider and uniquely to pure protection products, this can include premium type. In this insight we examine some of the premium types on offer, what some of the key considerations might be when reviewing options for a client and how ProtectionGuruPro makes it easier to filter results based on those premium types. 

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Advising clients whose income levels may fluctuate – what matters?

Minimum benefit guarantees provide a safety net against the risk of a client’s earnings having reduced in the event of a claim and them potentially beiung over-insured. Some insurers also go a step further, in offering clients the ability to provide financial evidence at the time of applying and lock in their monthly benefit. In this insight we examined how advisers can use ProtectionGuruPro’s express questions to quickly and easily compare minimum benefit guarantee options, if their client’s earnings are prone to fluctuation.

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Short term or full term benefits – starting at the point of best advice

When recommending an income protection plan, selecting the right policy term and benefit payment period are crucial in ensuring the client is adequately covered. One of the challenges facing advisers is that it’s not always easy to quickly compare and filter out different products based on benefit payment period. In this insight we looked at how ProtectionGuruPro has been designed to help advisers quickly and easily filter products by benefit payment period, making it a lot easier to start from the optimal recommendation.

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About The Author

Adam Higgs

Adam leads Protection Guru's detailed protection research and benchmarking of both product and operation features provided by insurers and has a vast knowledge of the protection market. He has been instrumental in building the protection comparison service Quality Analyser and maintaining the data to enable adviser to quickly and easily compare protection products based on qualitative measures. He also works with adviser firms to help in panel reviews and with insurers to help them understand the shape of the market, their strengths and the areas that could be improved in their products. In his spare time and when not spending time with his wife and two children, Adam is a keen Arsenal fan and enjoys hacking his way around a golf course.

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