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Everything you may have missed on Protection Guru last week

Everything you may have missed on Protection Guru last week

This is going to be a very big week for Protection Guru with nearly 200 industry leaders and rising stars joining us for our inaugural Protection Guru awards lunch. Last week we had a series of announcements around the shortlists for the various awards, a comprehensive summary of which can be found here. We concluded the week with an insight summarising all the key announcements about who is on the various shortlists.

In addition to this there was our usual supply of regular analysis for advisers which began with Rob Harvey looking at which income protection plans pay a lump sum on death.

On Tuesday Amanda Newman Smith examined which insurers provide nutritional support to clients and how they compare.

To coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we published part one of our analysis of how insurers underwrite breast cancer on Wednesday.

The third instalment of highlights from our September Protection Forum meeting, came out Thursday continuing the ‘communicating clearly with clients’ discussion with Phil Zeidler of DeadHappy.

Our next Protection Forum meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th November at 11am.  The agenda will focus on;

  • How should insurers best share information on protection products with consumers and prepare for both the Department for Business Industry and Strategy’s Smart Data initiative and the FCA’s requirements on Open Finance
  • Recovering from COVID, when can the industry expect to return to pre-COVID new business methods
    • Which previous processes will return?
    • Have some things changed permanently?
    • Are some COVID inspired changes are worth keeping, of so what?

Advisers can register to attend the event free of charge via this link.

On our sister Benefits Guru site Jason Green began the week with analysis on who offers an employee assistance programme alongside their workplace pension proposition.  On Thursday he turned his attention to the financial education support offered by pension providers.

How to build an advice firm that can maximise the opportunities of the next decade

Over the next year will increasingly focus on how advice firms can prepare themselves to meet future challenges and opportunities. Next week we begin this process with our forum meeting next Tuesday on:

Why did Robo Advice Fail and why will the next generation of digital advice succeed?

During the session we will hear from the following expert panellists:

  • Richard Caldicott, Deputy CEO, M&G Wealth Advice
  • Ian Mckenna, Founder, Financial Technology Research Centre (FTRC)
  • Alan Easter, Adviser and Platform Operations Specialist, FTRC

The panellists will explore:

  1. Why has robo advice failed?
  2. What are the key elements future automated advice propositions need, to succeed?
  3. Why automated advice should be a key part of any advice business that intends to continue trading in 10 years?

You can register for a complementary ticket via this link.

In our normal content this week, Adam Flowers began the week with analysis on the Defaqto Engage risk profiling tools. On Tuesday we investigated Visible Capital’s portfolio wealth management products.

Selectapension were the focus of our Wednesday insight, where we examined their Rapid Viewer report generation software and Thursday’s insight looked at the Iress Portfolio System.

All the best

About The Author


Ian McKenna is the founder of Protection Guru. A 40 year veteran of the financial advice and related technology markets. Having worked for insurance and financial advice firms in 1995 he set up Financial Technology Research Centre, which publishes Protection Guru over a decade before “fin tech“ was recognised as an industry term. He believes passionately that far more people can be protected by life insurance and related contracts if we can demystify these and make objective comparative information on policies more accessible.

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