THE 2022 conference for advisers who want to get the best out of technology, and a great end of year Forum. All you need to know from our websites over the last week

I’m writing this summary in the aftermath of Wednesday’s 200th anniversary party for Guardian which certainly proved to Protection Guru that, in addition to creating great quality life and critical illness products, the company sure know how to throw a party!
Generally, it’s been a busy week for our team beginning with Rob Harvey on Monday investigating the age and pay-out limits on children’s critical illness cover.
Tuesday’s insight from Rob looked at those income protection plans which include carer benefits.
Vitality’s product update offering new support to help clients live in better health for longer was the focus of our Wednesday morning study. In the afternoon we recapped the October Protection Forum discussion around streamlining the pre-underwriting process.
On Thursday Rob examined how non-medical underwriting limits are calculated for family income benefit and also provided a summary of the latest Covid related underwriting changes from Cirencester friendly
We wrapped up the week with another of our “everything you need to know” pieces, this time focusing on what advisers were talking about in our September and October Protection Forum meetings.
Our next Protection Forum meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th December at 11am. This session will be different and provide an opportunity for some of the innovators to share their views on the last twelve months and where we should really be looking to go in the year ahead. We will split the meeting into two sessions:
- In the first session, several advisers will spend five minutes each discussing the positive steps over the last year but also what they would like to see improve. We will also be asking them to provide a wish for the New Year in terms of something they would like to see the industry do better.
- After a comfort break, we will be asking representatives from insurers to spend five minutes each looking ahead to 2022 and giving their predictions of what the New Year will bring in terms of underwriting, claims and product development.
On Benefits Guru Wednesday’s insight from Jason Green investigated what happens when a member leaves a group pension. He followed this up on Thursday with a piece to help readers understand Investment Governance Committees (IGCS).
Our AdviserSoftware.com site started the week examining Defaqto Engage and how the service supports financial planning processes. Defaqto have significantly extended the level of functionality they provide over the last couple of years and are increasingly becoming an end-to-end solution.
On Tuesday we looked at the configurable client and adviser portal from Contengo, which integrates with Microsoft Office365.
APPLY, from Twenty7Tec, was the subject of our Wednesday insight where we looked at how the proposition can streamline the mortgage application process. This firm has been a consistent innovator over the last few years and is making a massive contribution to moving the mortgage market forward. I was particularly pleased to see 360DotNet, another great innovator, enhance their integration with APPLY this week.
Thursday’s insight recapped the highlights from the supporting clients with risk profiling discussion at our Investment Forum meeting earlier in the year.
Empowering Advice Through Technology 2022
Are you an adviser who wants to put technology at the heart of their business?
FTRC, in association with the Personal Finance Society, are delighted to announce the return of their Empowering Advice Through Technology conference which will be held in central London on 27th January 2022.
The day-long event is designed to help advisers:
- Understand how emerging technologies can enhance the user experience for clients
- Recognise the benefits that technology can deliver to their business in terms of time savings and reduced operating costs
- Source the technology solutions that best meet their needs
The day will comprise a mixture of plenary sessions involving technology suppliers and advisor users of systems together with a series of demonstrations of leading-edge technology that can significantly advantage advice firms.
For obvious reasons we were not able to run this event in 2021 but 92% of the delegates to our 2020 show said that it changed the way they think about advice technology.
“Super Early Bird” tickets are available until 30th November 2021.
For more details about the conference, and to book your place, please visit https://www.advisersoftware.com/eatt-2022/