Protection Guru’s Festive Highlights and 2025 Vision: A Look Back and Ahead

We started this week giving a strong push to British Friendly’s Showcase page. I am going to be looking more into the changes between the old and new offerings from the Society early in 2025.
At this time of year we always like to have a humorous look at the industry. While we deal with very serious subjects throughout the year, with this in mind on Tuesday Jo Legg looked at Could you insure Santa? In writing this Jo had some excellent help from Alan Knowles Cura which is greatly appreciated.
While intended in fun, there are some very useful lessons in this piece looking at how one may address clients with a high BMI, a habit of binge drinking, working at height being a pilot, and experiencing stress.
Among the insurers highlighted as potentially being particularly helpful for different elements of Santa’s needs are British Friendly, Holloway and LV=, National Friendly, and MetLife.
Reverting to a more typical content on Wednesday Gary Waters explored the challenges of Turning loaded premiums into a positive customer experience Actually, I think this piece gives some really valuable guidance for a wide range of situations and would urge everyone to read it.
Another great training piece came on Thursday from Matt Chapman who looked at Secrets to successfully embedding protection into advice
If you are seeing a trend here, i.e. that Protection Guru is providing a lot more training content, this is a big part of where we are going in 2025 and also you will see a major increase in the number of granular articles that we will be writing, getting deep into the detail of different contracts highlighting who’s best, and the rest for a wide range of subjects.
We wrapped up the week with another humorous piece on How different would ‘A Christmas Carol’ be if key characters had insurance?
As far as other articles that caught my eye this week I liked Momodu Musa Touray piece about iPipeline replatforming Beagle St’s protection product. I also liked Tom Dunstan’s look at the British Friendly app in FT Adviser
We’re looking forward to having a great new colleague join us in early January and are strongly committed to making Protection Guru every adviser’s favourite friend for research and information they need during 2025.
A couple of years ago LifeSearch CEO Debbie Kennedy pointed out that Protection Guru “Does more help to inform advisers than any and all life insurance marketing departments put together”, I was really honoured by those kind words, but we’re committed to making that even more the case next year.
Look out for more big surprises and special offers for advisers from us early in January.
At this point, I do need to say thank you to Jo Legg who finished her 18 months as one of our Gurus last Friday. We thank her for all her help and wish her the best not only for Christmas and New Year, but her great new job in January.
I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank the whole Protection Guru team past and present for all their great work this year.
Happy Holidays everyone and look forward to seeing you in a great New Year.