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Introducing the newest member of the Protection Guru team…

Introducing the newest member of the Protection Guru team…

Some of you will have met the latest member of the Protection Guru family at our recent October Protection Forum and Protection Guru Awards event earlier in the month, but for those of you who haven’t, this morning we’ll hand over the the first part of our weekly round-up to Niki Cooke. Niki joins us having spend the last 3 years at wealth and mortgage fintec provider Twenty7tec and has a strong background in supporting advisers with tech solutions for advice processes.

“What an absolute blast the last 2 weeks have been since joining Protection Guru as Chief Revenue Officer. Very quickly I have witnessed:

  • Exceptional team collaboration across Protection Guru and the wider FTRC company, with many exciting initiatives to come.
  • A real appetite in the industry, particularly across protection and mortgages, to ensure Consumer Duty obligations are met. As an organisation (Protection Guru), we are striving for change and are here to provide solutions to support Advisers.
  • Ground-breaking technology solutions with the emergence of ProtectionGuruPro – providing efficient and effective quality analysis for protection Advisers and their clients
  • And of course, the fabulous Protection Guru Awards, with amazing feedback for the event. So many worthy winners and very clear the passion that sits within the protection market. We did have an almost 50/50 representation of men and women at the awards, which is encouraging……the industry still needs to do more to increase the representation for women”

 We really excited to have Niki on board and you’ll no doubt hear lots from her over the coming weeks and months.

To Niki’s final point on the awards, we were pleased to bring you last week coverage of the adviser winners in the individual and firm/network categories. You can find all the details and photos of the winners on the links below:

Individual adviser awards

Adviser firm/network awards

Keep an eye out later this week for the details of the winners in the insurer and prestige categories.

Turning to our other protection focused content from last week, we kicked things off on Monday with another insight to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Once again focusing on underwriting, but this time examining the impact of family history of breast cancer on underwriting outcomes. This follows our insight from earlier in the month, where we looked at underwriting outcomes when the client themselves had a history of breast cancer.

On Wednesday we published the first of our output content from the recent October Protection Forum, with the first session focusing on how to better retain clients and manage cancellations and lapses. This was a lively discussion packed full of interesting and useful insights from a diverse group of advisers and insurers. As well as the discussion itself, which is well worth spending the time listening to, we’ve included a couple of handy resources on client retention from the Protection Distributers Group and Legal & General. Keep an eye out for part two which will be published next week.

Finally, on Thursday we turned our attention to another added-value benefit, this time fracture cover. We’ve focused on a number of additional benefits over the last few weeks, to highlight the extensive range of features and benefits that protection plans now include. These can serve another useful purpose at this time as well, as a way of reminding existing clients of some of the extras their policy may include and that can provide valuable protection at any time. Hopefully some of these features help with client retention, as well as the cover they provide.

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