How to find detailed information on anything you need to know about Protection in just four mouse clicks

Over the last year, Protection Guru has produced over 300 studies designed to help advisers better understand the features of protection plans, who they are suitable for and importantly how insurers differ in offering them. Our aim in providing this content is to help arm advisers with the information they need to know in order to have more detailed and informative conversations with their clients.
The feedback we have received on these has been overwhelmingly positive, however as we focus on issues as they become timely, until now it has not been as easy as it might be to find information on a particular subject quickly. With the launch of our Learning & Development hub we believe we have changed that. You should now be able to find the relevant article on Protection Guru on any subject in just 4 mouse clicks or taps on a mobile device from the Protection Guru home page. The process is as follows:
First click (or tap) on the Learning & Development navigation button.
Then select the product category you need information on, for example “Income Protection”.
Next select the subject you wish to find detailed information on, e.g. “Income Protection, Deferred Periods” and the service will take you to all the articles we have produced on that subject.
A lot more functionality will be added to the Learning & Development hub during the year ahead following our formal launch, but we want to make it as easy as possible for advisers to access all our content now, hence making the initial version of the service immediately accessible.
We would really welcome feedback (the good and bad) on the service, indeed while it is always good to hear if people like things what we really want to know is what we can do better, so please let us know what you think by dropping a note to me, Steve Berry or Ian McKenna.