Everything you need to know from Protection Guru over the last week

We kicked off the week on Protection Guru with a look at the availability of free cover for income protection insurance. The problem of delays with obtaining medical evidence for underwriting purposes is something we feel strongly about at Protection Guru and anyone who’s not seen if yet should check out our request for delayed GPR case studies. Free cover doesn’t solve this issue, but does at least provide clients with some protection whilst their application is processing.
On Tuesday we covered an announcement from Legal & General regarding some positive changes to their relevant life plan and guaranteed increase options. Later that day we began the first of our dedicated insurer coverage for our 2022 product ratings, this time focusing on Guardian and how they excelled across all of their product areas.
On Wednesday Rob turned his attention to business protection, a hugely important but perhaps sometimes overlooked cover, and specifically guaranteed increase options for key person and shareholder protection.
This week has been Nutritional and Hydration Awareness week, so on Thursday Rob published a detailed insight examining the risks associated with poor diet and some of the support and benefits offered by insurers in this area.
We finished the week on Friday by returning to our 2022 product ratings, this time bringing you a round-up of our critical illness ratings.
Our focus at the beginning of the week Advisersoftware.com was Wealth Practice Management Systems. Whilst most firms have such system there are many questions about the extent to which organisations use their full capabilities. We are currently working on a range of additional content for the site to help firms identify how they can get more value from the systems they are already paying for And also to help identify which offerings might best meet their needs.
To make it easier for advisers to understand the full capabilities of the system currently on offer detailed analysis of various systems on our Advice Tech Hub. In addition we are really keen to give uses of each system the opportunity to share via their views on what they like, what they think could be better and what they would most like to see changed in their existing software. Can we encourage you to visit our online ratings system, where you can tell us what you like and, in some cases, what you would like to see improved about your Wealth Practice Management System. You can also provide similar assessment of cash flow planning tools, client portals and portfolio management systems.
On Friday, we highlighted the CashCalc cashflow modeller that now includes tax calculations. If you are not a current CashCalc user, don’t worry, we have detailed analysis on a vast list of other financial planning tools available. Our cashflow/financial planning tool analysis can be found here.
Finally on Benefits Guru we explored how are Workplace Penson providers addressing the needs of Vulnerable Customers.
The Coronavirus pandemic has shown that many more people may be more vulnerable than they realise. In this week’s double length insight article, we looked at what workplace pension providers are doing to help identify and address the needs of their vulnerable customers.
It looks like we have a great weekend coming up so I hope you all have a chance to get some sunshine.